Wednesday, February 08, 2006

[天寒地凍雪地赤身危坐冰河求助] --- 見post請回 >< 多謝各位

1. 我要選一個industry(business groups)黎做business analysis。有冇idea?

Industry sector background info:
- 政經環境
- 社會文化
- 科技影響

Competitive nature:
- 競爭者加入巿場的障礙
- 自己的競爭優勢
- 替代品的影響
- 買賣雙方的議價能力

Industry Trend:
- 整個Industry的前景

2. 下個sem有後續,我要在那個industry sector中找一個company來analysis......

我諗左幾個possible o既industry:
1. 旅遊業 <--> 香港
2. NBA <--> any one team la
3. 保險業 <--> 2628
4. 婚姻介紹所......
5. 老本行電腦 <--> IBM? MS? Cisco? Network Search Engin Provider?
6. Car Industry, Airline Industry.....
7. 娛樂事業?karaoke?
8. 教育?? <--> any university~

旅遊業的background 同 entry barriers都好難寫;
NBA......sem3 死俾你睇,邊樹搵一team o既 detail info?
Insurance,Car Industry都唔係好熟同太common;
娛樂事業karaoke 個d又驚佢地唔明~

你地有冇咩好提議?? 或者覺得上述邊個industry較有趣? 一點點未成形的idea也可以,因為我只求腦震盪一番 :)

SEM2 Timetable:
Mon: 0900-1700 無間斷直爽8小時
Tue: 1400-1700
Fri: 0900-1300

-_-'' gap schedule


Anonymous Anonymous said...

building services+property management--->智能家居

1:42 AM  
Blogger kallman said...


9:58 AM  
Blogger 動物男 said...

有冇邊間智能家居係上市嫁? 最好有兩間或已上?...


10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

H5N1 + SARS-> Health care-> Drug Manufacturers -> JNJ
欣宜-> beauty + slim? -> 修身堂
老本行? smart card, semiconductors...

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Industry: Digital Product (e.g. LCD, Cell phone, MP3..etc)
>> Company: Samsung
>> Reason: "全球最有價值品牌"升至第三位,超越sony,僅次可口可樂及IBM。過去五年,品牌價值飆升186%
(資料來源: 經濟日報 7/2 "企業管理"版)

Digital products 應該都幾好講..

4:08 PM  
Blogger 動物男 said...

好, 等我睇下邊個industry多d料先~
謝謝各位 :)

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

coffee bean (not instant powder)
HK is one of the fastest growth of sale.
not yet popular in south east asia (thailand, malaysia.. not sure ^_^)

new energy .. (replacement of oil)

environmental friendly product (pollution is getting worse)

11:05 AM  
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6:32 PM  

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