Sunday, September 07, 2008

something in my dream

1. in the coming five to ten years, the house price in hk will rocket but its value will remain in the current range
2. rmb will be exchangeable in the coming five years, margin will be allowed again very soon after then. 3988 and 600030 will be the primary beneficiaries.
3. the us will be the next uk and companies will try to list in some other locations
4. mobile device will replace PCs and everything will move towards low-end and lite oriented
5. nobody will care about the amount of information anymore, information filter will be the next king
6. telecompanies will fade out and be replaced by network companies. Analog will be in our memory only
7. brain cancer will be the number three killer, if not number one or two, for our generation


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very realistic

5:19 PM  

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