Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Money Money Money

i have to admit that money is not the most important thing in our life
it is also fine to make "a peaceful life" as your ultimate goal
and certainly you can always keep a distance from the market
it is just your risk management style
but....it is not the reason to NOT understanding the world
and certainly it should not be the excuse to not pushing yrself


在1900年前, 貨幣係如馬克思的資本論行commodity money, 而國家銀行(央行前身)為方便短期清算, 而發行有到期日的bank bill, 到1909年美國錯誤立法發行無限期bank note, 由於bank note進入銀行體系不會消失, 有學者提出最終導至黃金儲備不足和通脹, 銀行將相同的bank note 重複地多次借出市場, 使市場物價上升和炒賣, 最終係所有借錢的人無能力還錢,bank note 流轉會短時間內停止, 型成信用收縮 ,在20年後的1929年做成great crash和 1930年great depression. 直到1970年美國停止金本位, 馬克思所定義的money在市場消失, 餘下不斷inflate和boom-bust的credit market.


Money is no longer existing in our world.


Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich mans world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich mans world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
Its a rich mans world