Sunday, February 18, 2007

The worst new year ever

lots of problems have been bothering me since my return,
really wanna is the worst new year I have ever had....
sleeping difficulty further drives me crazy
pressure, lack of rest, uncertain future, family tension are the issues..
maybe it is partly because my wonderful last year, which is so happy and sadless
and without surprise, this year is comparatively dim
I have tried really hard to make life easier and tried to please everybody, but it is so impossible :(
luckly, I have several good friends and I have fatfat......
their have been really supportive and it does help
thx all

cheers, and happy new year


Anonymous Anonymous said...

仲未返工, 仲可以慢慢抖; uncertainty, 就當係挑戰啦
o岩o岩返來幾日, 慢慢適應下, 應該OK的

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, things should go fine ... no worry.

9:21 AM  
Blogger kallman said...

many difficulties can't be solved within a few days or weeks...just solve them one by one based on priority...

pleasing everybody is certainly impossible, the most important thing is that u do try your best, then u will hv no regret at all
(from William but true)

2:22 PM  

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